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New: Corylus jacquemontii Shop (e Indija), Trvalki, Purumora

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O objednavki kidas andal e caľi luma prekal amaro e-shop.

Slovaťiko Pre informacija pal oda sar te poťinel the te dodel e objednavka pal o Slovaťiko klikňinen kadaj!

Čechiko Pre informacija pal oda sar te poťinel the te dodel e objednavka pal o Čechiko klikňinen kadaj!

Sar te poťinel vaš e objednavka pal o them (aver thema pes ľikeren the o thema dureder andal e Slovaťiko the pal o Čechiko):

1. andro vast andro dodino ľil (prijimame € - Euro, Kč the USD)
2. andrunothemakero bankovo preľigenďipen vaj te thovel andro vast pro amaro učtos e Balgarija, o Chorvaťiko, o Čechi, o Ungriko, e Kaľi Veš, o Poľčiko, o Rumuňiko, e Srbija
3. internationalno bankovopreľigenďipen pre amaro učtos pro Slovaťiko the andro Nemciko
4. o internationalno banovopreľigenďipen ProPay (themenger nava) uro učtos andro Balgarija the Rumuňiko
5. prekal o Eurogiro - OUR
6. prekal o WESTERN UNION

Preľigendo bankovo poťiňiben las andro kala thema o Slovaťiko, e Balgarija, o Chorvaťiko, o Čechi, o Ungriko, e Kaľi Veš, o Poľčiko, o Rumuňiko, e Srbija

Poštovno (dureder le Slovačikostar the pal o Čechiko)

EKONOMICKI - bije pojistka

E destinacija Poštovno andro Euro (€) vaš e objednavka
dži 250 g dži 500 g dži 1 kg dži 2 kg buter
e Europa - O nava le themenge 4 € 6 € 8 € 12 € pro dotaz
E luma pal e phuv 4 € 6 € 11 € 14 € pro dotaz
E luma eroplanoha (prioritnes) 5 € 6 € 12 € 16 € pro dotaz

DODINO - la pojistkaha

E destinacija Poštovno andro Euro (€) vaš e objednavka
dži 250 g dži 500 g dži 1 kg dži 2 kg buter
e Europa - O nava le themenge 5 € 6 € 10 € 14 € pro dotaz
E luma pal e phuv 5 € 8 € 12 € 15 € pro dotaz
E luma eroplanoha (prioritnes) 7 € 9 € 14 € 20 € pro dotaz

Express Delivery by EMS (Express Mail Service)

For some countries you can order Express Delivery service. Guaranteed delivery within 4 days after sending the order, online Track&Trace of the shipment, insurance included.

However, as for our experience with such services, this shiping method if often several times slower, that our standard shipping method (air mail letter or parcel). For example for Asian countries it sometimes took even 30 days to receive your order (although guaranted delivery is 4 days only!), while delivery time of the standard air mail letter / parcel to the same destination takes only 7 days. Therefore we do not recommend to use EMS services as it is much more expansive and unfortunately much more slower.

Bikendľi drabengeri historija andro berša 1998-2008

Keci dodine kotorengere dreba andro berša 1998-2008

Keci dodine kotorengere dreba andro berša 1998-2008

ATTENTION! Before placing an order find out about the plant import and phytosanitary regulations for your country. Do not import species forbidden by laws to your area. Many plants have become invasive weeds in far flung areas of the world, and while we cannot necessarily predict which plants will become invasive in which regions, most countries have lists of declared invasive weeds which people are requested not to grow, or can be prosecuted if they do grow them. Please consult your conservation authority, find out which plants you should not import and grow and take care that you do not unwittingly import any known or potential invasive aliens into your area.

When you place an order, you automatically herewith agree with the terms and conditions of the transportation company. Customers outside of the European Union: Please note that we cannot take any responsibility if your shipment is confiscated by you country due to your country's import laws, import permits or custom rules.

E položka sas dochudles pridiňi andre položka.