Tambihkeun kalebet karanjang balanja Tingalikeun karanjang balanja  Supados kenging akses pinuh anjeun kedah ngadaftar. Entos henteu anjeun ngagaduhan akun? Lebet.
Change language Sundanese (Basa Sunda)


From 1st January 2010 we have lunched a new webpage with on-line e-shop in more than 100 languages.

Now you can buy our products on-line. Just click to image of the cart in the catalogue to add seeds in your shopping cart.

If you wish to enjoy lower prices (prices for KPR members) and receive your order faster, you should become a member of KPR before you start shopping. You can pay your membership together with your order.

From February 2010 you can register for a KPR member directly at new webpage. In the meantime you should use our old registration formular here.

Anjeun parantos nambihkeun barang ieu kalebet karanjang balanja anjeun.